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Deb Cleveland

Professional Pet Stylist



Deb Cleveland was born and raised in Massachusetts. Her ability to relate to animals was very apparent to family and friends, even as a young child, she was a “natural” with animals.  With this natural gift animals were drawn to her; horses, dogs, cats, even a pet chicken.  Animals have surrounded Deb most of her life, but it is dogs that she’s the most passionate about.  Her desire to work with animals led her to various jobs such as a professional equestrian groom, a veterinary technician, dog sports instructor and now professional pet stylist.

Deb’s experience with dogs spans over 30 years.   She competed in the AKC conformation ring with Afghan Hounds, Tibetan Spaniels, Brussels Griffons and Australian Shepherds.  She has trialed in both AKC and UKC venues, in the obedience, rally obedience rings, and dog agility field, putting various titles on her dogs.  Deb found another passion over the years and took to teaching dog obedience; rally obedience and puppy classes, helping owners to understand and teach their dogs to be better companions.  Her love of competition took her to the sheepdog trial field, where she trialed her Border Collies on sheep for over 4 years.  With her husband John, they traveled the Midwest competing and reveling in the beauty of these dogs' natural ability to work sheep.


Late in 2008 during the recession, Deb found herself unemployed from her profession as a manufacturing purchasing and production control manager.  For three months she along with thousands of others searched for jobs.  It was during this time, she had an opportunity to reflect on what she wanted to “do with the rest of her life”.  It was a friend that suggested she tap into her God-given talent and passion to work with dogs and pursue a profession in dog grooming.  She drew from her experience of showing dogs, her understanding of dog behavior and knowledge from her veterinary experience and found dog grooming was an option to explore.  In January of 2009, she started her apprenticeship at a grooming shop in Tulsa Oklahoma.  Her new career was born and she hasn’t looked back!


Over the past 8 years, Deb has worked in various grooming establishments, gaining experience and knowledge in both grooming and business.  Her zest for knowledge drives Deb to seek out continuing education, to stay abreast of industry trends and the latest products and techniques to better herself as a pet stylist.  She takes time out each year to attend seminars and mingles with many in the industry who share her passion for caring for the many dogs she grooms.  She regularly attends seminars in Dallas, Houston, Las Vegas and Hershey, PA to supplement and enhance her knowledge with leaders in the industry.  Deb also listens to podcasts with constancy to be informed about health and wellness of the pets in her care, styling techniques, tips and tricks, pet grooming products, along with happenings in the industry, including laws and regulatory information.  She is a member of the National Groomers Association of America, International Professional Groomers Inc. and the International Society of Canine Cosmetologists. 

Since launching her mobile business in 2018, Deb has become on of BCS most sought after mobile groomers!


Check out the Let’s Talk page to learn more about Serenity Spaw Mobile Pet Salon.

Serving College Station, Navasota, and limited areas of Bryan TX


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